Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Woody and 5-Track and Astrol Waters at the LoFi Performance Gallery

Woody and 5-Track (38 megs)
Astrol Waters (62 megs)

Here are some recordings from the groups surrounding Skating Polly at their recent show at the LoFi Performance Gallery.  After an opening set by Woody and Five (above), Skating Polly played an explosive set of highly original music.  Astrol Waters closed out the evening, beginning with a poem by Ty Berry and immediately segueing into one of our best sets yet (IMO). 

For this performance, Astrol Waters was 5-Track (guitar), John Leighton Beezer (bass), Ty Berry (voice), Brandon Herzberg (guitar), William Mapp (drums), and Me Woods (bass and misc. percussion).

Thursday, December 17, 2015

WEGO Pre-Chaistock Rehearsal

recording (64 megs)

Here's the rough recording from WEGO's small-group refresher-session a week before this most recent Chaistock.  This rehearsal was only attended by about half of the group that ended up playing at the LoFi, and I didn't initially release it because I didn't want to spoil the suspense for the show/reunion.  But wow there are some tight and funky change-interpretations here, and some great chemistry throughout!  

(with 5-Track (guitar), Woody Frank (guitar), Sheridan Riley (drums), and Me Woods (bass))