WEGO Set 1 (56 megs)
WEGO Set 2 (55 megs)

Jesse's stellar homoerotic baths-of-Star-Trek themed invite eventually went out to something like 400 people and set a wild-but-sensual mood for the sizeable crowd that responded. The show opened at around 9:30 with a fantastic 35-minute solo set of piano and voice by Jesse himself (first link above). WEGO went on a little after 10pm, and managed to stuff in two 45-minute sets before midnight.
It may not have been our tightest or "groovinest" show yet, but 4-part cycling vocals and a densely interlocked guitar-heavy sound drove us to new levels of energy and abandon. Chaotic, sprawling versions of everything from Def Leppard to Beyonce collapsed into and returned from psychedelic free-space as the revelers shouted and filled the Gypsy Cafe with bubbles and the crackle of bubble-wrap. I even saw a couple of people dancing! At a coffee house!! Mission accomplished. :))
Oh yeah, one other thing: In addition to his guitar, Dennis set up a keyboard that he'd never brought out before. He had carefully selected some weights to lock down various keys to create adjustable droning chords. At the time, I was in a really noisy spot in the mix, so I didn't notice it consciously, but I'm looking forward to a second listen to see what he ended up doing with the rig!
And finally, whether you were there at the time or are just listening to the downloaded sets at home or on the road, I'd like to invite you to call out your own highlights and/or add any other thoughts in the comments below.
(Bubbles in the image above from a photo I found on Flickr by Glenn Loos-Austin ... and adapted under the terms of a Creative Commons license 2.0 )
was i loud? lordy lordy, glad the mic didn't pick it up.
and i am def grooving on it...at the carnation library!
pour some radiohead creep on me.
no, I don't think you were too loud at all! ... though all of the trebley, sustainey instruments (you, woody, and Ian) were coming from roughly the same place on my left, so it was hard to differentiate. :))
Let me know if you have any favorite sections! ... I'm thinking of starting to assemble a new demo from just show-recordings
("creep" might make a nice lyrical standard indeed!)
i really like the first thing we started with but maybe put it in our set in the middle. i felt the recorder got a fine level all around even my feedback wasn't too much...at least in the recording.
living on a prayer was very minorized...very sweet.
all the voices sounded awesome too. some things were def well rhythm suited and some more spacious in a varied way so it wasn't too stagnant on either
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